Wednesday 22 October 2008

4 Great Tips For Picking Adult Celebrity Halloween Costumes

Finding a good Celebrity theme Halloween costume is the easiest, fastest way to pick a successful party costume and to have the most popular outfit at the event. Celebrity Halloween costumes can be much more than your favorite pop or movie star. So many people and sports stars pop out of the news everyday, you'll never run out of ideas. How about this one: Governor Sarah Palin is now a celebrity politician. You can get the look by using early 1960s eyeglasses, a navy suit with a 1950s bouffant hair style. Her look is easily replicated and identified! Arguably it is likely to be one of the top picks for this Halloween's celebration. So if you get invited to a last minute Halloween bash, and you have a week until Halloween and the party--with costume rental shops and discount store racks picked clean--you're still in business. Where do you find a costume? Here are four quick ideas:

1) Choose your favorite celebrity or someone newsworthy. Find the image-search tool on Google to locate pictures for your Halloween celebrity costume choice. The pictures you find will help you figure out what to do, and make a plan. You'll find the images form a composite style analysis which facilitates quick Halloween celebrity costume ideas.

2) Going as a couple has never been easier than this year...look at "Brangelina" for example (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) and other famous combine-named couples as you pick out Halloween celebrity costume ideas. Also checkout the online entertainment sites and blogs for the latest gossip! The concept is to catch the style of the desired celebrity, noting signature items such as hats and jewelry and to reproduce their essence, simply. You can shop thrift or retro stores for clothing, shoes and accessories, or go online for theatre and costume shops. Something like inexpensive wigs are readily available and can be styled, gelled or whatever; also, makeup may be required to capture the celebrity persona. Your character should be easy to identify, while your true identity is anyone's guess.

3) The femme fatale is still a viable Halloween celebrity costume type. For a retro theme, remember Marilyn Monroe or for contemporary personalities it could be Christina Aguilera or perhaps Paris Hilton. Marilyn would require red lipstick, a short blond wig with a glamorous style and a 1950s period glamour girl dress with wide skirt and dainty heels. Among the femme fatales, Paris might require nothing more than lingerie, the wig and plenty of pink lipstick and mascara (if you have the nerve). Otherwise, you can go for a sun dress. Unmistakably Paris. Some ideas for guys include George Clooney (the swagger, the head and attitude).

4) How about some classic celebrities? Lauren Bacall and Bogie had strong, distinctive personas. Lauren's signatures were her slim 1940s high-class dresses, her hair and a provocative, stage presence. It is even easier to find stuff for these characters at thrift and retro stores; and good wigs are your prime resources. Bogie's hat, the ever present cigarette and plain suit describe him to a T. Add a little sophisticated macho and you're Bogie. Developing your character is key to making any Halloween celebrity costume idea work.

Using these techniques, think about these celebrity possibilities: Elvis is a perennial favorite. How about Dustin Hoffman as Tootsie, complete with 1980s eyeglasses and a shimmering red vamp dress? Don't forget how horror fans may enjoy being Robert Englund, as Freddie Krueger or the Phantom of the Opera. Hannibal Lecter is another unforgettably scary guy. Get a mask like that he wore in lockup. How about Hannibal and Clarisse? A couple? She's Clarisse, with a bottle of Chianti and a piece of liver. Have fun picking your celebrity, and now you're ready!

Alia-C offers expert suggestions and tips about other adult halloween costume ideas. Visit our Halloween website 2008 for more useful information on celebrity halloween costumes and other things Halloween. Visit us at: for fun videos, articles and Halloween cheer.

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